Monday, May 13, 2019

Project ABC - S

S is for

Sunrise / Sonnenaufgang

This was the sunrise in Florida 3 weeks ago. I just had to step out of the door of our hotel room to take the picture.

The idea of Project ABC by Wortman is to post a photo each week starting with the letter A and going through the whole alphabet. As the project is in German but I am writing in English I try to find words/photos that start with the same letter in both languages.

You will find more photos here (the links are in the comments section).


  1. In der Gegend sehen die bestimmt gut aus :)

  2. Ah - der Gegenklassiker :) Vorsichtig durch die Palmen, sehr schön - Myriade

  3. Hallo Gabi.
    Sonnenaufgänge unter Palmen.
    Ach wie herrlich. Da möchte man am Liebsten sofort los.
    LG, Nati

  4. Du hast den richtigen Zeitpunkt erwischt. Wunderschön.
    Herzlich, do
