Wednesday, September 24, 2014

52 photos #20

The End of the Season

End of Summer for me is buying mums for my porch. I love their deep saturated colors - the end of one season, the beginning of a new one.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

52 photos #19

This week's theme

Dog Walker

This is my daughter Karin walking a dog she bought for her friend's little boy. 
I couldn't resist this one :-) 

But Karin is a "real dog" walker too. Here she is with our dog Felix.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

52 photos #18

The sign says

These are two of my favorite road signs of my Australian vacation.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

52 photos #17

Recycled / Repurposed

This is an easy prompt for me. I am a quilter and the original idea for quilts was to recycle. Clothes which could no longer be worn were cut up und sewn together into blankets. Well, to be honest, today we buy most of the fabric used for quilts but we still recycle old fabric and small scraps. My quilt was made out of scraps from a larger project and the black fabric is a dyed sheet. 

And the black raven is by a local artist who recycles old metal for his art.