Sunday, January 20, 2019

Project ABC - C

I love this project! Thank you Wordman for initiating it. I woke up in the middle of the night and started to ponder which word starts with a C in English and in German. Chrysanthemum / Chrysantheme was all that came to my mind.

Then I looked at some of the pictures by other participants and there was the photo by Blaupause7 of Coral Beach on the Isle of Skye in Scotland. And then I remembered that I was at Australia's

Coral Coast

where I took pictures of blowholes. Powerful ocean swells force water through sea caves and up out of narrow holes in the rocks so that jets of water erupt into the air. These blowholes are a little bit north of Carnarvon and a little bit south of Coral Bay. So that makes four Cs. Even 5 if you count that this was a camping vacation.

You will find more photos here (the urls are in the comments section). 


  1. Bei Coral fällt mir nur das Waschmittel ein :lol:
    Gute Idee.

  2. Schönes Foto. Sowas mag ich immer sehr gerne. Es gibt noch so viele Orte, die ich sehen möchte *seufz*
    LG Pat

  3. Muss toll dort sein.
    Da werde ich in Natura wohl nie in den Genuss kommen ;-)
    Liebe Grüße
